Tuesday, December 3, 2019

The Chiro Experience

I decided to try a Chiro first. I did a consultation and had some amateur X-rays taken. Using prehistoric equipment, he took two panels and showed me only one.  He gave a sales pitch, largely using the x-ray of some purported old geezer he had done wonders for. It was a kind of snake oil beginning. I should've been more cynical.

But I was hurting and limping and already using a stick (a five-iron) for moments like to get in and out of my car. I was looking for help, but largely unaware of my own anatomy - disks and etc. My pain felt more like muscle strain. I wasn't thinking clearly.

Over the next two weeks I went in for about eight treatments.

Physically, the table adjustments seemed mild. The Chiro sort of pressed and tugged at my pelvis, one side then the other.  It wasn't harsh or jerky. There were no TV-script crack! noises nor instant feel-good moments of relief.

Each adjustment cost me 20 bucks.  In total, with the X-rays, I spent $360 at his clinic.

I came to learn that the doc is a frustrated right-winger. He talked shit while working on me. I didnt get into it, kept neutral. But that sort of conversation did it for me. Maybe that was good luck.

Whether or not he somehow aggravated my condition, I can't say. He did ease the pain initially, and I was walking better. But in hindsight I think he knew I had a herniated disk (he called it a pinched nerve) and perhaps was less than completely careful in how he proceeded.

I mean I'm 71, not 35. And should I mention I'm also a Democrat?

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