Friday, March 6, 2020

Renewed Hopes

The PT therapist discontinued massages for piriformis muscle syndrome and shifted to a new experiment in which she manually stretches the left-side abductors vertically.  The way I understand it, this is an attempt to "slide" the pinched nerve out of the way.

It's a hopeful new phase. I am struggling along in month five of the acute sciatic pain and lack of mobility.  Still looking for an answer.

Meanwhile, the past couple of PT sessions have been light because of the setback from the leg stretcher machine a couple of weeks ago.

I wonder about the CoronaVirus in the waiting room. Then again, it is more dangerous driving across town.  Getting to Cleveland Clinic FL is about a 45-minute trip each way.

In general, the mood everywhere seems better, now that the Dem primary race seems to be heading in a less insane direction.  Hopefully this trend continues because Biden can heal things, if he's nominated and if we give him an overwhelming turnout (one that has legit accounting) in November.

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