Sunday, January 19, 2020

One's Own Medical Spreadsheet

From sometime in the wait zone between ESI procedures 2 and 3...

Escobar is a mad scientist and a seemingly decent and nice guy. His message has been consistent: to stay on the path and expect relief when (as part of the body's instinct to heal) the protruding part of the disk is re-absorbed.  Hopefully freeing the pinched nerve.  That would be The Moment hoped for.

How long that can take is fuzzy. Getting over a herniated disk can take weeks or up to a year and a half, the Doc says.  Does that mean all that time is filled with pain each and every day? No answer.

Target dates are not reliable. I lean toward Fate and Superstition.

I am getting old. Things fail. Entropy sets in. And old beliefs dig in deeper.

Note to self:  look up "pain fatigue."

Pills:  too many, as is, and the Holy AMA Book of Rules says take them all without deviating. Trimming dosages is an old pastime of mine, believing we are more often than not over-prescribed.  Just as doctors over-book their appointments. When three pills are called for, I'll listen to how I feel and take two, one, or none if I prefer.

It's my own heresy against the Church of Big Pharma.

Two of the back-pain pill Rx's are like zombie pills. I understand their importance but they will still have to work around my schedule. I mean, who wants to be a lobotomized pill-head 7x24? So I will allow gaps for reasonable Living Time, and push the deadhead pills toward low-activity times of day, or take them before sleep.

The new pills have to compete with my regular stable of pills. So it's like, for example, do I wheeze tonight by skipping the Singulair?  Adding that equals too much sleepiness. How about that muscle relaxer that deadens your soul?  Or the NSAIDs? And the heart meds? It's a regular stew.

And so has to work it out using the self-informed formulas within their own medical spreadsheet.

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